that's because翻译(That's Why 探究“that's because”的含义与用法)

介词 because 在英语中常用于表明原因或解释。而对于那些对于某些事情、场景或现象进行解释时,却又想突出其因果关系的人来说,他们也往往会用上引导词组 that's because 来引出这个原因,同时凸显其答案的答案性。那么,when and how应该使用that's because 呢?本文将探究这个问题。
什么情况下用that's because?
引导词组 that's because,通常会接上一个句子,即答案。因此,如果你想要用这个词组直接解释一个单词、短语或概念的意思,则并不是一个好的选择。相反,that's because 更适合于解释那些比较复杂的问题或那些包含多种因素的事件,并将这些因素组合起来为我们提供更深入的理解。
另一个需要注意的问题是,你通常不能使用 that's because 来替代 because。例如:
because he is a freshman.
你不能用 that's because 来代替 because。即使你加上一个支持原因的信息,如 Our new campus requires all freshmen to live in the dorms.\"(我们的新校区要求所有大一新生住在学生宿舍里), 你仍需使用 \"because\"。
that's because 的使用范例非常广泛。它可以用于各种问题的解释,包括教育、商业、政治和文化等方面。以下是一些例子:
1. Question:Why is it difficult for people to learn a new language?
Answer:That's because learning a new language requires both memorizing vocabulary and understanding the nuances of grammar and pronunciation.
2. Question:Why is the new smartphone so expensive?
Answer:That's because its technology is very advanced and it is made from high-quality materials.
3. Question:Why did the presidential candidate lose the election?
Answer:That's because she did not effectively communicate her platform to the voters and did not gather enough support.
4. Question:Why is it important to study history?
Answer:That's because history can help us understand the present and prepare for the future by studying the mistakes and successes of the past.
虽然 that's because 经常被使用得不当,但它确实是一个好的工具来解析更复杂的问题,并解释相对较难理解的事件。要想更好地运用这个短语,需要注意,它并不能代替 because 来解释单个原因,而应用在涉及多个因素的问题上。
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