大课堂八年级下册答案英语(Awesome Answers to 8th Grade English Worksheets)

Awesome Answers to 8th Grade English Worksheets
1. Reading Comprehension Worksheets
Answer 1: The passage is about the benefits of reading, and how reading can make you smarter and improve your cognitive skills. It explains how reading can help you learn new words, improve your focus and concentration, reduce stress, and even help you develop empathy for others. It also gives some tips on how to read effectively, such as setting aside a specific time to read each day, taking notes while reading, and reading aloud to improve your pronunciation and comprehension.
Answer 2: The main theme of the passage is the importance of education, and how it can help people overcome poverty and achieve their dreams. The author argues that education is the key to success, and that everyone should have equal opportunities to learn, regardless of their background or social status. The passage discusses the challenges and obstacles that students from disadvantaged communities face, and how they can overcome them through hard work, determination, and support from their families and communities.
2. Vocabulary Worksheets
Answer 1: The root word \"bio\" means life. Therefore, words such as biology, biosphere, and biochemistry all relate to the study of life and living organisms. Other words that use this root word include biodegradable, which means capable of being broken down by living organisms, and biotic, which refers to living things or the living components of an ecosystem.
Answer 2: The word \"arid\" means dry and lacking in moisture. It is often used to describe desert regions or areas with very little rainfall. Some synonyms for arid include dry, parched, barren, and dusty. Antonyms for arid would be words such as lush, moist, damp, and humid.
3. Grammar Worksheets
Answer 1: The sentence is incorrect because it uses the wrong verb tense. The correct sentence would be: \"Yesterday, I went to the mall and bought a new dress.\" The past tense of the verb \"go\" is \"went,\" not \"goed.\" Additionally, the past tense of the verb \"buy\" is \"bought,\" not \"buyed.\"
Answer 2: The sentence is incorrect because it uses a dangling modifier. It is unclear who or what is \"crying\" in the sentence. To correct this, we can add a subject that is doing the action, such as: \"While walking in the park, I heard a bird crying.\" This makes it clear that the bird is the one crying, and that the speaker is the one who heard it.
In conclusion, these answers aim to help 8th-grade students understand the concepts covered in their English worksheets better. By providing clear and concise explanations, it is hoped that these answers will help students improve their knowledge and skills in English. Additionally, it is important for students to practice their English skills regularly by reading, speaking, and writing in the language. Good luck with your studies!注:本文部分文字与图片资源来自于网络,转载此文是出于传递更多信息之目的,若有来源标注错误或侵犯了您的合法权益,请立即后台留言通知我们,情况属实,我们会第一时间予以删除,并同时向您表示歉意
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