lol辅助英雄(League of Legends - The Secrets of Supporting)
As the backbone of every team, the support role requires a special set of skills and knowledge to become effective. In this article, we will uncover the secrets behind playing as a successful support, and how to make the most out of the position.
The Mindset of a Support
First and foremost, it is important to understand that the support is not just a champion that heals, shields or buffs allies. Rather, the support is the team's enabler. A good support empowers their allies to perform at their best, whether it's by providing vision control, peeling for the carries, or setting up plays with crowd-control abilities.
This means that the support should always be aware of the state of the game and the needs of their teammates. Is the jungler ganking top lane? The support should be ready to provide backup or secure objectives in the bot side of the map. Is the enemy assassin targeting the ADC? The support should stand between them and their target, while keeping their own allies alive.
The Art of Vision Control
Vision is one of the most important aspects of League of Legends, and the support plays a crucial role in maintaining it. With a well-placed ward, the support can provide valuable information about the enemy team's movements, objectives and potential threats.
But vision control is not just about placing wards randomly on the map. A good support needs to understand the proper timing and placement of wards, based on the state of the game and the team's objectives. For example, a ward placed near the enemy blue buff can help the team steal it, or alert them to the jungler's location. A pink ward in the river can deny the enemy vision and enable the team to make picks or initiate fights.
Mastering the Support Champion Pool
Last but not least, a successful support needs to have a deep understanding of the champion pool and their respective strengths and weaknesses. While some supports excel at engage and crowd control, others are more focused on healing or peeling. Some supports are better-suited for aggressive playstyles, while others thrive in a more defensive or utility-focused role.
It is important to have a diverse champion pool that can cover different situations and synergize with the rest of the team. For example, a support like Thresh can provide engage and peel, while also being able to make picks with his hook. A support like Soraka can keep her allies healthy with her healing, while also silencing and slowing enemies.
In conclusion, being a support in League of Legends is not an easy task, but it can be a highly rewarding one. With the right mindset, vision control and champion pool, a support can make a significant impact on the outcome of the game, and help their team achieve victory.
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